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May 05,2020 Suzannah talks to Editor in Chief Rosie Nixon of HELLO! during Lockdown

During the third week of Lockdown here in the UK, I was invited to take part in an Instagram Live! video. I was invited to be interviewed by Rosie Nixon who is the Editor- in-chief of Hello! magazine. She asked questions about how my business was surviving during the Lockdown. We also talked, true Hello! style about dressing celebrities and royals.

The interview was very casual in style. I was 'live' from my living room, using my hand-held mobile phone as a mic! whilst being on air 'live' to all of the followers.

Here is a link to the interview below. It was recorded and can be viewed on You Tube. Tune in and have a listen. I chose to wear the Allison dress in Poppies. I really wanted to wear my favourite piece of the collection and something which had a lot of upper detail as I really wasn't too visible talking at such a close range.




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